‘SANCTUM work-wear’ manufactures ‘Inherent Flame Retardant Coverall’ fabrics which are not 'flame-resistant' or 'flame-proof'. ‘Inherent Flame Retardant Coverall’ are designed to stop the spread of fire and smoother it into extinguishing. Treated Fabrics and Inherent Modacrylic fabrics have a chemical treatment added to the finished woven fabric. When exposed to a heat source or naked flame, these chemicals react and release gases which slow down the spread of the fire and help smoother it by cutting out the oxygen needed by the fire to continue to burn.
Material |
93% Meta-aramid, 5% Para-aramid, 2% Anti-static |
International standards | EN 11611, EN 11612, EN 61482, Garment Certified NFPA 2112, NFPA70E |
Colors | Navy Blue, Royal Blue, Red, Orange, Yellow, Turmeric Yellow, Khaki. |
Size | XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL, 4XL, 5XL, 6XL |
1. Flat coat collar
2. Two flap chest pockets with snap buttons.
3. Pen pocket on left sleeve
4. Two back pockets, one with flap
5. Tool pocket on right leg
6. Two trouser pockets.
7. Elasticized back.
8. Hanger loop on collar
9. Concealed snaps on cuffs and ankle openings
10. Concealed two-way FR Tex zipper with brass snap closure.
11. FR Reflective tape on arms and legs.
12. Bar tacking done in places where more strength is needed to support extra load.